
The Philosophy Behind Bunked.ai

We are experiencing rapid innovation in two areas right now: blockchain and artificial intelligence. Each has its strengths and its weaknesses, its benefits and its dangers. We at bunked.ai recognize that these two technologies can complement each other.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is when computers execute code that was not written by humans. While traditional programmers tell a computer precise instructions, AI engineers help computers to learn about the world around them so they can make their own decisions. Here are a few examples:

  • Your car recognizing when you are drifting out of your lane
  • Retail brands sending promotional offers that align with your shopping patterns
  • Generative AI - speech, text, images, or other data created after the patterns to which a model has been exposed.

What is the blockchain?

Blockchains are fancy databases with three main features:

  1. They create arbitrary computational puzzles in order to store data
  2. They are “decentralized,” meaning that they exist on many servers owned by many people/entities.
  3. History cannot be reversed. Information stored on chain is permanent.

The first two features make blockchains nearly impossible to hack - it requires lots of computation power and you must get everyone in the network to agree with you before making a change. The third feature adds to the reliability and provides trust.

So how do these two technologies complement each other?
Artificial Intelligence Blockchain
Infinite capacity to create Creates scarcity
Ability to deceive Ability to provide trust
Ephemeral and cheap Permanent and costly
Opaque source Transparent and documented

At bunked.ai, we are concerned about a future of cheap AI-generated content. Very soon, we will not be able to believe what we see and hear online. We use blockchain technology to counter the problems inherent with ubiquitous AI - we view it like we would a seatbelt, a helmet, or decibel limits on our headphones.